
【国際コース】1J and 2J International Students Special Summer Lessons 2022

On July 28th and 29th, the students from the 1st and 2nd grade International Course took part in 2 days of special summer lessons. The aims were to improve friendship between the classes, improve English skills, improve teamwork skills, learn leadership skills, improve communication skills, and have fun. Thankfully, I think we were successful.

On day 1 the students took part in some fun English ice breaker activities to get to know each other more and also challenge their English skills. They had fun. We then made mixed teams of 1st and 2nd graders and they had a task to make a video to introduce English idioms in a fun and exciting way. The students did a super job in a short time.


On day 2, employees from the insurance company Tokio Marine came and did a fun and exciting workshop on SDG's. It was a valuable experience to learn how SDG's work in real life.
Finally the students took part in a Treasure Hunt activity. They were in mixed groups and had 11 challenges to undertake including, translating Shakespearean English, undertaking a typing challenge, writing letters of complaint, understanding English slang and Arabic too! This led to the final challenge English Brain teasers.
The students had a fun packed 2 days and started their summer vacation with a happy smile.


7/28,29の2日間の日程で、国際コース1,2年生合同のSpecial Summer Lessonsを実施しました!1,2年生の交流を深め、楽しみながら英語力を向上させ、協働力やコミュニケーション能力を高めることが本イベントの狙いです。



2日間、みっちり英語漬けなSpecial Summer Lessonsで1学期を締めくくり、これで国際コースの生徒たちも本格的に夏休みに突入です。9月にたくさんの思い出話とともに元気に2学期をスタートできることを楽しみにしています♪
