

The International Course at our school is always looking for new connections with foreign schools to give our students chances to make international friends and use their English. This year we have an exciting new connection with a high school in Turkey. The students in 2J of the International Course began a pen friend program with high school students in Turkey. The Turkish school is Mustafa Doğan Anadolu Lisesi, located in Erzincan Province in eastern Turkey. This exchange was realized by the cooperation of two English teachers, Ms. Zeliha Ölmeztürk from Mustafa Doğan Anadolu Lisesi and Ms. Makiko Yamamoto from Chukyo University Senior High School.

In April our students wrote letters introducing themselves and Japan. They decorated their letters with drawings and pictures of themselves or their favorite characters. The students in Turkey were very happy to receive our letters. They sent us photos of them reading our letters and wrote about the program and our students on their school homepage in Turkish and English. On May 1st we also received their letters. Many of the letters were beautifully decorated. The Turkish students wrote friendly messages and introductions. The students in 2J were very excited and want to keep this new relationship moving forward.
We hope the students will continue to deepen their new friendships, learn about Turkey, and gain confidence by using their English with people their own age.


国際コースの2年生がトルコの高校生との文通交流を始めました!相手はトルコ東部のエルジンジャン県エルジンジャン市(人口約10万人)に所在するMustafa Doğan Anadolu Lisesiという学校に通う15~17歳の生徒たちです。同校のZeliha Ölmeztürk教諭の呼びかけにより、今回の交流が実現しました。本校の生徒と相手校の生徒をマッチングし、決定した文通相手に手書きの手紙を書いて国際郵便で郵送しあうという方法です。相手とのつながりをより実感できるよう、届くのに時間はかかりますが、メールではなくて実物のやり取りで実施することになりました。


